Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 4258797
Secretary: Warkworth RSA Women’s Section

RSA Women’s Section FEBRUARY 2025
It was great to all meet again for another, hopefully and exciting 2025.
We had a wonderful speaker at our monthly meeting on the 4th February. Jennifer Kirker on Embroidery. She left us spell bound with the amazing work she bought along to show us. Her Journey with embroidery over the years was fascinating. One piece stood out and that was “The Matakana Church Window” which took her 4 years to complete. Working with Gold is also a favourite of hers. The fine work in these Embroideries is unbelievable.
Tuesday the 4th March is our AGM after our normal Monthly
Meeting. Please ensure your Membership is Paid to enable voting rights.
Nomination Chart is on the Board going thru to the Gaming Room.
We welcome new members so please come and join us.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone Mobile 0274 346 186 Home 09 425 8797
Message from RSA Women’s Section January 2025
Our first meeting for 2025 will be Tuesday 4th February
It seems like a long time has passed since we all got together for our
Xmas Luncheon, so looking forward to catching up with you all.
A friendly reminder that your Annual Subscription is to be paid by
the 31 st January.
We welcome new members so please come and join us.
Joy Harper-Keeley
Phone Mobile 0274 346 186
Home 09 425 8797
Report from RSA Women’s Section September 2024
This month we celebrated our 64th Birthday. It is great to think that the Women’s Section of our RSA has been working for so many years to assist our RSA as well as some of our Local Charities.
This month we were able to donate $5,000 dollars towards the upgrade of the Dining Room. What a change, it looks so warming and enticing. We are so grateful to have a great RSA team to work with.
Our Speaker for this month was Leanne, the Sales Manager from Summerset Falls who outlined how the Retirement Villages work. Very positive and thought provoking for those who may be considering the move.
Our next Monthly Meeting is Tuesday 5th November. New Members Welcome.
Joy Harper-Keeley
Phone Mobile 0274 346 186
Home 09 425 8797
Report from RSA Women’s Section September 2024
The months seem to be flying bye and soon it will be Xmas before we know it.
Six members of our committee attended the RSA Northern Districts Women’s Section AGM on Saturday 7th September in Whangarei. With myself becoming the President, Vice President Jinney Ruawhare from Whangarei and the Secretary Rose Vasey from Kaitaia.
On Monday 9th September we had twelve members enjoy an outing to the Sculptarium at Matakana. We had perfect weather for a great morning/afternoon.
Our speaker for the month was Paddy Sullivan from Age Concern who gave us an enlightening talk as well as many a good laugh.
Housie is ticking along, but would be nice to see a few more people come along. This is not just for women so come along men and give it ago. Every 2nd Wednesday afternoon starting at 1.30pm. Next one is on Wednesday 9th October.
Joy Harper-Keeley
Phone Mobile 0274 346 186 Home 425 8797
Report from RSA Women’s Section August 2024
Six of our Committee Members attended the Annual National Women's Section AGM at Waihi in May. This was a most successful meeting. We were able to learn a lot regarding the changing of the Rules for our Sections, which is to become a standard version across all our RSA’s. July saw us celebrating a Mid Winter Luncheon which was enjoyed by all that attended.
This August was extra special as we celebrated Sybil Gardeners 107th Birthday. Sybil joined our Women’s Section in 1990 and received her Long Service Membership Award in 2006. Bob Harrison presented Sybil with a special certificate from the NZRSA National President which was signed by himself, Sir Buck Shelford.
We completed our meeting with a nice cup of Tea and Coffee and or a beverage from the Bar.
Next Meeting and AGM Tuesday 3rd September 1.30pm. See You All There.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone Mobile 0274 346 186 Home 425 8797
Report from RSA Women’s Section April 2024
Time seems to moving quite rapidly at the moment, with preparation for Poppy Month and Anzac Day, as well as our Housie afternoons.
Speaking of which, it is lovely to see more people coming along to Housie. We greatly appreciate your attendance as this helps us raise
money towards supporting our RSA and local charities.
At our Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd April we were unable to get a speaker as it was directly after Easter so we decided to ask members to bring along old recipe books as these also had a lot of Handy Hints. This turned out to be quite amazing with the eldest book bought along date 1755. This book was called a ‘’Companion’’ it contained lots of recipes and handy hints. Truly outstanding to have something that old and still in a reasonable condition.
We had lots of laughs over some of the hints from other old books.i.e. 1946 Laurel Recipe for a Sultana Cake Pie at the end reads ‘’Sufficient for six persons of either sex” For washing hair add a teaspoon of kerosene to the last rinsing water. This gives the hair a good shine and rids the scalp of dandruff.
We completed our meeting with a nice cup of Tea and Coffee or a beverage from the Bar.
Next Meeting and AGM Tuesday 7th May. See You All There.
Joy Harper-Keeley
Phone: Mobile 0274 346 186 ~ Home 425 8797
Hi Members,
As we have Easter prior to our meeting this coming Tuesday, we have had a cancellation from our speaker.
We have decided we will have a recollection of old Recipe Books. I have 2 dated 1935 and 1946 and found them so interesting. Not only do they give recipes but on how to raise your children to handy hints and much more, some are quite hilarious.
So if you have any, we would love for you to bring them along. Ladies Smocks selling for 8 shillings and sixpence. 8/6d
Our Next Meeting is Tuesday 2nd April at 1.30pm See You All There.
Thursday 14th March
The Jane Gifford Trip.
What a great day. The weather was very kind, and the river like a mill pond. It was a real eye opener to see so many mangroves and land surrounding our beautiful river. Also the many boats along the way, some of which are permanently lived on.
Dave Parker gave us a wonderful commentary as we went along, explaining a lot of local history within the surrounds of the Mahurangi River. This was really appreciated and a big thank you to Dave from all those onboard.
Our RSA provided a shuttle service to the wharf and back, again well appreciated as it certainly took away a lot of parking problems.
Our Women’s Section of our RSA always try to arrange an outing and speakers for our members. We took a gambol and decided to charter the Jane Gifford. We thought it would be great to involve our RSA as a whole as we did need to have at least 80 persons to cover the cost. The interest was amazing and we soon managed to sell our 80 tickets.
What a lovely way to get our RSA as one body to come together.
A special thank you to the Women’s Section Committee who went the extra mile to make this a special day, giving out nibbles and lovely short bread made by Joss Myers, also an easter egg as you left the Jane Gifford.
I really don’t think there was a single person who didn’t enjoy the morning.
Our Next Women's Section Meeting is Tuesday 2nd April at 1.30pm See You All There.

Thursday 14th March 10am – 12pm
Shuttle vans will run from our RSA down to the wharf on Thursday 14th
as parking there is for a limited time only. If you would like to use this service the vans will start from 9am ferrying people down and the last run will finish at 9.40am.
We will commence boarding at 9.45.
Don't forget flat soled shoes are the recommended footwear.
Looking forward to a great trip and good weather. See you all Thursday
Thursday 14th March 10am – 12pm
The Women’s Section of our RSA have charted the Jane Gifford for a River Cruise and
wish to invite all RSA members and friends to join us. The trip will take 2 hours and the
cost is $20.00 per person.
A tour guide will also give us some brief and interesting history to sites along the way.
Cruise departs from the Warkworth Town Wharf. Please be on the wharf 15 minutes before departure time, and advised to wear flat, soft soled shoes.
As this is a charted trip you are can bring your own morning tea and refreshments to enjoy along the way.
Tickets available from the RSA Bar or the Women’s Section Committee.
Final day for sale of tickets is Monday 11th March
A reminder to our Women’s Section that our first meeting for the year is Tuesday 13th February, at 1.30pm. New members welcome.
Joy Harper-Keeley
Secretary. Phone 425 8797
Report from RSA Women’s Section February 2024
At our Monthly meeting February 13th our guest speakers were from Senior Net, this proved to be most interesting and is not only for people learning all computer applications but also offers advise on use of mobil phones, lap tops and IPads and how to be aware of scams.
Three members from our committee attended the Purple Poppy Day Hosted by Hibiscus Coast RSA on Sunday 18th February. We were shown a very heart wrenching but informative video of animals suffering in WW1 and WW2 leaving a number of our people in tears. This was then followed by the laying of a wreath and the Animal Ode.
Diane Wilson President of our National RSA Women’s Section gave a short talk informing us that in WW1 10,000 horses were sent overseas and only 4 returned. UK sent 50,000 cats, 50,000 dogs 1 million horses and 100,000 pigeons. 7,000 horses died in one day. WW2 Brittan sent 200,000 animals. In Vietnam 40,000 animals killed by unexploded mines.
It sounds like a lot of gloom and doom, but what a heroic part these animals( who had no choice) did to assist our soliders. A great day of remembrance had by all.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone Mobile 0274 346 186 Home 425 8797
Congratulations to Diane Wilson who was awarded an MNZM in the New Year's honours for services to the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association.
Diane has spent over 45 years supporting and advocating for New Zealand's veterans of military service and their whānau. She has been an active member of the RSA's women's section for many years, holding leadership positions at the local and district level, and has been the National President of the Women's Section since 2018.
Notably, under her leadership, the women's section was pivotal in ensuring isolated veterans were contacted and able to access support during the Covid lockdowns.
Congratulations Diane.

Report from RSA Women’s Section January 2024
Welcome to 2024. Hope you all had a great festive season with family and friends.
Our first meeting for the year is at 1.30pm on Tuesday 13th February.
We are unable to have it on the first Tuesday of February as it is Waitangi Day.
Looking forward to a good catch up with you all.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 425 8797
Report from RSA Women’s Section November 2023
This will be our last report for the year of 2023. This year seems to have flown by.
We will be having our annual Christmas Dinner for our members on Tuesday 5th December at 12 Noon at the RSA.
This is our last get together for the year and we wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year.
We resume our Monthly Meetings on Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 1.30pm where you will receive your Calendar for upcoming monthly events. Also your Membership Renewal is due then as well.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 4258797
Secretary: Warkworth RSA Women’s Section
A great big thank you to all those who supported our Monster Raffle which was drawn on October the 20th., also to Tony Hatton who once again did us proud with his compering.
I would like to thank all our Women's Section members who made this raffle possible by donating all those goodies that made this so successful. No Businesses were asked to contribute, as I believe a few thought they may have been approached.
We celebrated our 63rd anniversary in October with a lovely afternoon tea. Isn't it great that our Women's Section has been in our RSA for so long, as so many sections have folded in other RSA's over the past few years through lack of membership.
Our membership is also suffering we once had the top membership in Northland with over 50 members but we now have only 35. Our first priority is to our RSA, where we can help with special projects and also make contributions to some of our Local Charities.
We meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 1.30pm. The meetings usually last an hour with a guest speaker included, followed by tea/coffee and a chat
Our Housie /Bingo is ticking along nicely and we look forward to seeing you all there every 2nd Wednesday, of the month. The final Chrismas Special for the year will be held on Wednesday 13th December.
Please give some consideration as to joining our Women's Section.
Phone Joy Harper-Keeley 425 8797 or 0274 346 186
Secretary Women's Section.
Report from RSA Women’s Section September 2023
We are all looking forward to the coming of nicer weather and being able to shake off those nasty bugs that have been lurking around.
We attended our Northland Women’s Section AGM on Saturday 9th of September in Whangarei. The meeting itself was not very well organised with no Agenda or Financial report. A lot of discussion was held with a better reporting system now being put into place. As a Collective, all the RSA Women’s Sections through out New Zealand are making a request to the Government to lower the Breast screening age for everybody.
Our ladies have done a wonderful job of supplying an array of marvellous goodies for our Monster Raffle to be drawn on Friday 20th October after the Ode. Some baskets on display at the moment but there is more to come (next week)
Proceeds go to our RSA and local charities. Tickets are on sale now from the Bar.
We celebrate our 62nd Birthday of our section this October with the committee providing a sumptuous afternoon tea.
Welcome new members to our Section, give us a try. Come along as a visitor, give me a call and I will assist you.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 4258797
RSA Warkworth Women’s Section June - July 2023
Apart from all this liquid sunshine we are hoping your spirits remain high.
In June we had a great speaker Hannah from Mitre 10's Garden Centre on how to care for our indoor plants. This was so informative that I think we all went home to embrace the knowledge that Hannah gave us and reassess as to how we manage our plants.
For our July meeting the committee put on a lovely luncheon. Consisting of four soups with bread rolls followed by an old fashioned plum pudding and custard.. All homemade and went down a treat (especially in this weather).
We now have a committee member to be our ladies section Welfare person so if you know someone that is poorly or lonely or would just like a chat please get in touch with our great lady
GLENNIS SMITH 09 425 9613
Our afternoon tea/coffee after our meetings is going well with most staying on for a social chat.
We welcome new members so give me a call.
Joy Harper-Keeley
Secretary 425 8797 or email joywk@xtra.co.nz
RSA Warkworth Women’s Section May 2023.
I do believe in the old saying ‘’as you get older, time goes faster’’ or are we getting busier?
In April after our last new’s letter, we placed Crosses and Poppies on the Service member’s graves at the RSA Section of the Kaipara Flats Cemetery, helped with the poppy day collection and assisted with food on Anzac Day. At the beginning of May we held a Pink Ribbon afternoon tea for Breast Cancer and were able to raise $280.00 dollars.
Our guest speaker for our May meeting was Wayne Smith, a carver and maker of exquisite jewellery out of greenstone and many more types of stone. This was very interesting and well received by our members.
On the 22nd of May, six members of our section attended the RSA National Women’s Section AGM at Hibiscus Coast RSA. A lot of informative news and discussions were held. A meet and greet evening was held the night before the AGM with a great turnout of 80 plus people attending, the theme was “Island “ Our speaker this month is about ‘’Caring for your pot plants”. The cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit after the meeting is a great way to get to know your fellow members and make new friends.
We welcome new members to our Section, give us a try. Come along as a visitor, give me a call and I will assist you.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 4258797
Secretary: Warkworth RSA Women’s Section.

From Left:
Ivy MacFarland, Joy Harper-Keeley,
Sir Buck Shelford, Julieta Robertson and Maureen Stephen
Hello Everyone,
We held our AGM at the beginning of March this year and was well attended by members.
It was a sad moment that Marion Ross who had been our Secretary for over 15 years and a member of the committee for many years has decided to take a break, but will still remain a member of Women’s Section.
It was also sad for us to accept our Treasurers (Linda Anderson) resignation from holding this position. She is now living in Hobsonville but is still remaining as a committee member. Lyn Gordon was elected into this position and has praised Linda for the great work she has done in making the transition so very easy and most helpful. We also welcomed a newly elected committee member Noelene Browne who is already bringing in some new ideas.
Our speaker for the month of March was Dave Parker who gave us a very informative talk on the Heritage of Warworth and the many clubs and society’s celebrating their 100yr plus events this year.
We are now having a cup of tea/coffee and a bicky after our monthly meeting so as to have a chat and get to know and make new friends.
Our next meeting is Tuesday 2nd May, as it is Breast Cancer month we have asked members to wear something pink and we are putting on a small spread for afternoon tea. A donation bucket will be available so we can make a donation to the Breast Cancer Association from our RSA members.
We welcome new members to our Section, give us a try. Come along as a visitor, give me a call and I will assist you.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 4258797
Secretary: Warkworth RSA Women’s Section.
It was nice to get together again after a long break. The weather certainly was a challenge but thankfully we all managed to cope.
We were invited to the Annual Purple Poppy Day, held this year at the Hibiscus Coast RSA. We had three ladies attend and they all said it was a great day. Pauline our President is going to give us a talk about the event at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday 7th March.
Our RSA Women’s Sections Annual AGM is taking place on 7th March 2023 so looking forward to see you all there.
We welcome new members to our Section, give us a try. Come along as a visitor, give me a call and I will assist you.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 4258797
Secretary: Warkworth RSA Women’s Section.
Our Committee will hold its meeting on Tuesday 31st January at 1.30. The committee has called an Extraordinary General Meeting of all our members on Tuesday 7th February 2023 to be held in the dining room of our RSA Warkworth commencing at 1.30pm.
This is the seven day notice as required to make an amendment to OFFICERS Rule (d) of the Rules of The Women’s Section to the Warkworth & Districts Returned Services Association (Inc).
The Rules as stated 1st Line reads:- The term of office of President shall be for a maximum of three years.
The Amendment proposed would read :- The term of office of President shall be decided annually.
Our normal monthly meeting will take place directly after the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Housie will recommence on Wednesday February 8th and 22nd at 1.30pm in the RSA Dining Room.
We welcome new members to our Section, give us a try. Come along as a visitor, give me a call and I will assist you.
Joy Harper-Keeley Phone 425-8797
Secretary: Warkworth RSA Women’s Section.