Please take note that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at the Clubrooms, 28 Neville Street, Warkworth, at 10.00am on Sunday 30th March 2025
Receive Apologies
Confirm minutes of the AGM 24th March 2024
Presentation of the Annual Reports and Accounts
Election of Officers
Election of Executive and Committee
Notices of Motion
Nominations for Officers and Committee as well as written Notices of Motion, are to be lodged with the Secretary no later than 9.00am Friday 7th March 2025.
Geoff Copestake Chris Jackson
Joint Acting President Joint Acting President
If you have a keen interest in joining our Executive team to progress our RSA into the future, put your name forward to serve on the Committee and bring your energy to the role.
Our general membership has a multitude of capabilities within it and we’d like to utilise them in the service of one of Warkworth’s leading community organisations. Your work ethic, business acumen, management experience and community spirit, to name just a few, are the qualities we need to advance
our RSA into the future.
Nomination forms are available at the RSA from the bar and the only prerequisite is that you are a financial member of the WWRSA. We look forward to seeing your nominations soon.
Any NZ citizen or permanent resident of good standing
Returned: Persons who have served for NZ or Commonwealth Defence Forces or NZ Police in any operational theatre or United Nations mission. Proof of theatre or mission service must be provided.
Service: Persons who have served or are serving as uniformed members of the NZ or Commonwealth Defence Forces, NZ Police or NZ Cadet Forces but without ‘returned’ service qualification. Proof of uniformed service must be provided.
As for a community member but under the age of 18 years. Youth members cannot be served alcoholic beverages or enter the gaming room. No subscription fee.
Two levels of subscription fee are offered which may apply to any membership type except youth and provisional.
The GOLD and PLATINUM levels give the member discounted prices for all products purchased over the bar.
Where GOLD gives a standard discount, PLATINUM offers a greater reduction and is particularly suitable for the more frequent user of the association facilities.
Fee details are shown on the application form.
As with most RSAs throughout New Zealand, the Warkworth RSA includes a Women’s Section that provides a range of internal support functions to our RSA. These functions facilitate the provision of support, advocacy and remembrance within the association such as Poppy Day distribution and allied activities.
Members of the Women’s Section are, first and foremost, members of the Warkworth RSA and the section is an inherent element of our RSA. The Women’s Section organisation is sufficiently complex as to have its own district and national structure within the main RSA body itself.
Participation within the Women’s Section attracts its own fee which may be allotted from the standard membership subscription applicable to the individual applicant.