The RSA is a not-for-profit organisation. All monies gathered from its various business and fund-raising activities are targeted fully at coordinating support services to our Veterans and their Families, Returned Service Persons, Current Service Persons and Members.
We seek to promote the general wellbeing of our members and to foster civic values within our association and the wider community.
Our Local Support Advisor is available to provide veterans with guidance and mentoring to promote their general health and wellbeing.
Further assistance may also be sought from the District Support Manager who maintains veteran’s affairs oversight of the Northern Districts group.
Support Vehicle and Driver
Our support vehicle and drivers are here to assist with hospital/doctors appointments. This service is offered to our members at a recommended donation and is only able to be available to you due to our volunteer drivers. At times it is necessary to combine 2 members going down for appointments where patience and understanding is required if you have to wait either end of an appointment for fellow member to complete their visit.
To determine which vehicle to be made available it would assist our driver to know if your spouse/partner is attending the appointment with you.
Please advise the RSA on the ordering of this service.
For booking of the vehicle or for equipment please contact Sherryl at the RSA ph: 09 425 8568 and press 1 for the bar.
The Warkworth & Districts RSA would like to introduce our Support Advisor, Joss Myers.
The role of the Support Advisor is to keep you informed of any assistance or entitlement that you may have and offer help with any problems that arise affecting health and well being. All members, widows, and veterans may be eligible to apply for support.
There are a wide range of services and items we may assist you with.
Just give Joss a call and she will do her best to help.
Joss Myers
09 425 5191 or 027 415 1992
wjmyers@xtra.co.nz or office@warkworthrsa.co.nz
We may be able to assist you with:
Assistance with transport to hospital and doctors appointments. Donation to volunteer driver is requested.
Assistance with applying for entitlements with agencies such as Veteran’s Affairs, Work and Income New Zealand, ACC, Hospitals and War Pensions.
Assistance with special needs aids i.e walkers, wheelchairs and motorised scooters.
Financial assistance with health aids i.e hearing aids, dental work, and glasses.
Visits to hospitals, rest homes, and when required – private homes.
Information regarding rest homes, hospital and retirement villages.
Organised outings. The Mall, Picnics, The Casino or Local Sites.
We are here to offer support to our members in a variety of ways.
If you are recovering from surgery or need assistance of an aide in your home eg. wheelchair, walker, shower stool, walking stick, etc., we are able to offer this assistance at a small donation.
For booking of the vehicle or for equipment please contact Sherryl at the RSA ph: 09 425 8568 and press 1 for the bar.
For other assistance that may be required please contact Joss Myers on ph: 09 425 5191 or 027 415 1992
Joss Myers
Support Services
Our Support Services is under ever increasing pressure to deliver transport for members for Hospital and Specialist appointments.
If you can help out driving one of our Vehicles (Mon to Fri daytime only) it would be much appreciated by Support Services Officer Joss and vehicle schedules organiser Sherryl.
Email: office@warkworthrsa.co.nz
Phone: 09 425 8568 xtn 1 if you can help.
The RSA along with Age Concern would like to give a presentation on managing Life Without a Car.
As we are getting older and health becomes a concern what is out there to enable us to get around?
This daytime event will be open to members, friends and neighbours and to get it organised we would like to know numbers.
If interested please phone/text Joss on 425 5191 or 027 415 1992.